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Warline for $1

Create Warline video content, get the game for only $1

We are proud to introduce the Warline Kickstarter gift program! Up until the Kickstarter campaign launches (August 27th, 2019), if you create and share certain Warline custom video content, we will gift you one core pledge for Warline at a cost of only $1 (and zero charge for shipping). That’s right, you can essentially preorder a copy of Warline for nothing more than $1 and the creation of a video about the game. Interested? Read on…

How it Works

  1. You create a video (recorded stream or recorded session) about Warline that falls into one of the following two categories: How-to-play guide, or full game session. (You can play the game for free digitally, or as a print-and-play—details below.)
  2. You post the video on either YouTube or Twitch, and include the official game website link in the video description. (The video must be set to be publicly visible. You retain all rights to the content you create.)
  3. Send an email to contact @ eljayplay . com with the subject of “Warline Kickstarter gift video”. In the email, include a link to the video you have created, posted, and shared. (We will reply to confirm reception of your email and approval of your video.)
  4. When the Warline Kickstarter campaign launches (June 4th, 2019), simply pledge $1.
  5. After the campaign ends, we will reply again to your email with a few steps that will help us link your $1 pledge to you and your video.
  6. Once manufacturing of the game is complete, you will be delivered a copy of Warline at no additional charge.

Ways to Play

You can play Warline for free on any of the following platforms—any of which may be used to create your custom video content.

About the Game

Learn all about Warline on the official Board Game Geek page.